Demos, Presentations and Resources
- AI/ATP helping to prove Mizar goals in real time
- TacticToe proving HOL4 goals in real time
- Probabilistic/semantic system translating informal statements to formal and proving them in HOL Light
- QSynt : AI rediscovers the Fermat primality test
- Evolutionary development of a portfolio of strategies for E prover
Online Systems
- MizAR - Automated Reasoning for Mizar
- informal2formal parser with theorem proving trained on Flyspeck
- informal2formal parser with Mizar typechecking trained on Mizar
- HOL(y)hammer
- Growing collection of interesting ENIGMA proofs over Mizar and the announcement of 75% of the Mizar library proved automatically (July 26, 2021)
- Proofgold blockchain (by Blake Keiller) and its forum with many resources (Megalodon, surreal numbers, conjectures) by Chad Brown.
Repositories and Blogs
- AI4REASON Github repos - includes ENIGMA, BliStrTune, grackle, GRUNGE, etc.
- Thibault Gauthier's Github repos - includes TacticToe, OEIS synthesis, etc.
- Zar Goertzel's research blog posts
- Jan Jakubuv's Github repos - includes grackle, ENIGMA, etc.
- Martin Suda's Github repos - includes Deepire, etc.
- Josef Urban's Github repos - includes MPTP, MaLARea, BliStr, etc.
Talks and Presentations
- Can Computers Really Do Math? article describing the AI4REASON project published by the server of the European Research Council (ERC).
- J. Urban - AGI'18 keynote: No one shall drive us from the semantic AI paradise of computer-understandable math and science! (video and slides)
- J. Urban - Hales'60 conference: Kepler and Hales: Conjectures and Proofs, Dreams and their Realization
- B. Piotrowski - IJCAR'18: ATPBoost: Learning Premise Selection in Binary Setting with ATP Feedback
- Z. Goertzel - ITP'18: ProofWatch: Watchlist Guidance for Large Theories in E
- Q. Wang - CICM'18: First Experiments with Neural Translation of Informal to Formal Mathematics